Lucy Osborne | Nutritionist | Herbalist | Naturopath

Lucy Osbourne Naturopath & Nutritionist

Helping you to be the best version of you, that you can be!


Lucy is an internationally recognised Naturopath, Nutritional Therapist and Medical Herbalist. Lucy works with both adults and children, providing holistic solutions to a wide range of health concerns.

Lucy graduated as a Naturopath in 2002 after successfully completing a 4 year, full time advanced diploma course from Nature Care College, Sydney, one of Australia’s leading natural therapy colleges. Prior to this Lucy had trained as a phisoptherapist.

Since graduating Lucy has worked in private practice in Sydney, Bath and Kent. Whilst in Sydney Lucy spent time working in a cutting-edge allergy clinic, and consequently developed a great interest in working with allergic conditions.

Now living in Kent with two young boys, Lucy continues to practise, with the aim of further imparting and developing her passion and in depth knowledge in the areas of both Nutrition and Herbal Medicine, and enjoys working both with adults and children. Lucy is committed to continual professional development and regularly attends seminars and workshops to keep up to date with the current research and thinking in this fascinating and fast evolving field.

In 2015 became a graduate of the highly regarded and intensive course Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP).

Qualifications & Affiliations

Direct Contact Number

07880 511972

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