Holistic Bodywork

Understanding the body as pure energy with its endless potential to change, brings new meaning to the word health. As your relationship with beginnings and endings becomes clearer and change is recognized and welcomed, the clarity and content of your mind changes. The experience of health returns and each breath becomes a purposeful moment of connection, propelling you into action again.

We can help if you feel challenged with…

  • Persistant/Chronic pain
  • A medical diagnosis
  • Sudden changes in relationships with others
  • Recovering from a traumatic event
  • Support with manifesting an idea you wish to share with the world
  • A transitional phase in your life where you seek the wisdom of knowing

……and with any other issues you want to be empowered with

Give to yourself the time to take action for your wellness and answer the deep longing in you

We are all here to help each other navigate life during these times of challenging yet exciting possibilities. Let us show you how to find your own health and spiritual compass, Concentra, so that through direct revelation you can always find your bearings wherever you may be…

How I can help you

Together we illuminate what must awaken to fulfil your deepest desires of wellness.

You will understand better your challenges and be empowered by your strengths.

You will know the right ‘heart felt’ action plan for you to take that may be different from previous cultural and generational conditioning.

I will help you to see the body as your friendly guide no matter what you are experiencing. With the tools given you can transform any pain and the form it has created. You will see many other changes in your life too.

I will help you to stay focused on the present and with an eye on the future and reveal the inner stillness of the body; that nourishment that aligns, sustains and frees you.

I will help you uncover the abundance of resources and gifts you already have and the discovery of new ones; listening and trusting in your inner voice. Your direct revelations will ensure you take notice !

About a sessions

‘In Person’ sessions include hands on treatment to relieve pain, energise, potentiate and balance the body. Guided meditations, working with nature’s elements, specific breath work and exercises will also be shared. Integral to your healing space is the willingness to dialogue with all that appears. We will discuss together other additional therapies that will aid and speed your return to balance and health. If you would like a meeting with Alison in person there are different options. Please get in touch to discuss further.

To get in touch contact Alison at http://www.feelhealshare.com

Fees >

Initial Heart to Heart discovery session – 30min A gift
Further Zoom/Skype Sessions – 1hr £80.00
Further ‘In Person’ Sessions – 1hr £80.00
Young Persons up to age 14yrs £25.00
1-9 month’s mentoring and support Enquire

Holistic Bodywork Practitioners

Get In Touch >

01303 760001

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Visit Us >

6-8 Bank St, Hythe CT21 5AN