How are Herbalists Verified in the UK?

//Posted By Jodie Foreman

Thinking of trying a medical herbalist for the first time?

How do you know that they are safe? What qualifications do you need to be able to call yourself a herbalist in the UK? What should you look out for as a sign of trust?

When choosing a herbalist in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Island you can look for a number of recognised registers that help to verify and audit medical herbalists. Today we list 4 of them, and how to find verified herbalists with them.

The National Institute of Medical Herbalists

The oldest and largest body of herbal practitioners in the UK. The National Institute of Medical Herbalists is a voluntary register for herbalists dating to 1864. To this day the institute continues to promote the benefits, efficacy and safe use of herbal medicine.

Our members treat thousands of patients every year. By choosing one of our members as your practitioner you can be confident of their high standards of training and professional conduct.

All NIMH Members Must:

  • Have professional indemnity, public liability and medical malpractice insurance.
  • Abide by mandatory code of conduct and ethics.
  • Have completed degree level qualifications or equivalent.

How to Verify a Member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists:

The institute has a “Find a Member” feature with a map of the UK and a search box to enter a herbalist’s name and/or location.

You can verify

Jodie Foreman:

Linde Taylor:

The Association of Master Herbalists

Founded in 1995 the Association of Master Herbalists is smaller than the National Institute of Medical Herbalists but respected in its own right.

Master Herbalists are registered members of the AMH (Association of Master Herbalists) who have qualified after a suitably recognised professional training which is to a degree or equivalent level with over 2,500 hours of classroom-based study with an additional 500 hours of clinical patient training.

All members are fully insured and work to a strict code of conduct and ethics. The AMH-registered practitioner attends yearly CPD (Continuing Professional Development) courses to update and enhance their practice skills.

Find a herbalist registered with the association here:

The Unified Register of Herbal Practitioners

An international register of medical herbalists founded in 1997. The United Register of Herbal Practitioners was founded by several herbal medicine schools that wanted a registering body for their graduates.

According to the URHP: Each member may practice in various forms of herbal medicine: Ayurvedic, Western Traditional, Unani Tibb, Tibetan or Traditional Chinese Medicine. Many members practice other forms of therapeutic modalities such as: Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Reiki and Nutrition..

The URHP has strict entry standards and only accepts herbalists with qualifications that are approved by the European Herbal and Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association.

You can find a member of the URHP using the map and “Find a Herbalist” feature:

The Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine

The only register in the UK dedicated to the discipline of Chinese herbal medicine.

Established in 1987 the RCHM has over 300 members in the UK. New members must have a degree-level qualification in Chinese herbal medicine from a UK institution independently accredited by the EHTPA (European Herbal & Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association) or an equivalent qualification verified in an interview with members of the RCHM Council.

Members must regularly undertake Continual Personal Development training to keep their skills and knowledge up to date.

The register also run an Approved Suppliers Scheme where practitioners can source herbs from companies that have been audited to check that they adhere to the highest quality standards.

You can search for RCHM members using the “Find a Practitioner” tool:

Membership to any of these organisations is a strong indicator of trust for any medical herbalist. Of course you should also use your own due diligence and choose a herbalist who you are comfortable with.