Homeopath Wenda Holland joins Hythe-based natural health practice

//Posted By Foreman and Jones

Homeopath Wenda Holland has joined natural health practice Foreman & Jones.

Wenda says: “I have worked in Hythe for over 12 years now, but joining Foreman & Jones has given me the opportunity to expand and reach a wider audience, who may be new to Homeopathy.  I believe passionately in what it can achieve and want to share that with as many people as I can.”

Homeopathy is a natural approach to health care and is a system of natural medicine. Whereas conventional drugs target just symptoms of disease, the Homeopathic approach aims to treat the whole person. Practised worldwide and in use for over 200 years, Homeopathy treats each person as a unique individual with the aim of stimulating their own healing process. A homeopath selects the most appropriate medicine based on the individual’s specific symptoms and personal level of health.

It is recognised by the World Health Organisation as the second largest therapeutic system in use in the world. While it is most popular in India and South America, over thirty million people in Europe, and millions of others around the world, also benefit from its use.

German originator of the system, Samuel Hahnemann, formulated a way of understanding health through the principle of  ‘like cures like’. The assumption is that the body will throw up symptoms to give clues to what may be internally wrong and to kick-start the natural healing ability present in all of us.  The unique medicine prescribed to mirror the unique symptoms can be enough to provide the information the body needs to complete the healing process. Emotional symptoms and personal trauma are given equal value to physical symptoms.

Wenda explains: “This leads me to listening to a patient’s own personal story during the first consultation. Sometimes patients tell me they have not had the opportunity to vocalise their feelings to anyone before and to make the connections between their personal stress and their ill health.  Being aware to your body as a supremely intelligent system and recognising your ability to heal without suppressive intervention empowers you to look after yourself in a more positive way. Like all the practitioners at Foreman and Jones, I am delighted to assist this process of self awareness.”

A follow-up appointment may be 4 to 6 weeks after the initial consultation to give time for the remedies to initiate a change in the body. The remedies given are non-addictive, and not tested on animals and because they are dissolved under the tongue and pleasant to the taste, they are suitable for babies through to the very elderly.

Jodie Foreman, owner and Medical Herbalist adds: “I’m delighted to welcome Wenda to the practice. Our paths have crossed many time over the years and Wenda has a fantastic reputation locally as an experienced and successful Homeopath.”

Contact Wenda directly on 07970 316763 or via the clinic on 01303 760001.

Or browse our website to find out more about Wenda’s homeopathy services.

Based in Hythe, Kent – Foreman & Jones was established in 2007 and offers a range of treatments including herbal medicine, acupuncture, nutrition and counselling.