Meet Emma Coffey – our new Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist

//Posted By Foreman and Jones

I am delighted to be joining the team here at Foreman and Jones – offering my support as a Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist.

I support a range of issues including, amongst others, reducing stress and anxiety, phobia cure, stopping unwanted habits, smoking cessation, weight management and improving self-esteem and confidence.

I work collaboratively with my clients to set clear and specific therapeutic goals that we can measure progress against at every session. It is my passion to help clients experience lasting change and to be equipped with valuable tools and techniques that will spill over positively into all aspects of life.

I integrate Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Hypnosis in my practice. My approach is entirely evidence based, meaning I only use techniques that have satisfactory clinical evidence for their efficacy.

The CBT element of my approach helps you to understand the thoughts and feelings that influence your behaviours. During treatment you learn how to identify and change unhelpful thought patterns that have a negative influence on your behaviour and emotions, so that you can take control of how you interpret and deal with experiences.

Hypnosis is a special way of using various naturally occurring psychological and physiological states.  There are quite a few myths about Hypnosis; for example, Hypnosis is definitely not a state of sleep or unconsciousness.  Most clients report being aware of everything that happens, although slipping deeper into hypnosis at moments may give you the sense you ‘drifted out’.  Hypnotherapy is a collaborative process in which you allow yourself to follow the guidance of the therapist by using your imagination to evoke positive emotions and rehearse behavioural change. Hypnotic suggestion is about experiencing certain helpful ideas at a level profound enough to directly influence your emotions and behaviour.  Psychological and emotional problems can often be seen as a result of negative thinking, whereas Hypnotherapy offers positive ideas that lead to improvement.

If you would like an appointment or have any queries, please feel free to contact me on 0779238861 or the clinic on 01303 760001. You can also book online.

I am happy to answer any questions that you might have and I look forward to working with you.